Sunday, June 7, 2009

most recent

This is the second picture of the drawing that has been posted.
It is now complete.. They were some areas that I felt needed to be tweaked.
Here is the finished product.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

These drawing are the building blocks of my drawing career. I was always fascinated with the idea of drawing people and never really got the hang of it and never thought I would.

All these pictures show my mistakes, challenges and progress.
Its no fun for me to look at them now because the mess-ups seem so obvious.

I remember my freshman year walking into my first drawing class. Two things kept ringing in my head, "I wonder how well everyone here draws" and "I can bet they are way better than me."
I was nervous.

My teacher's name was Mike Long. At first we all thought he was just another student waiting for the class to begin. He introduced himself and my journey began there.

All these drawing were done between Fall 06 and Spring 08.
(They are in no particular order.)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

work in progress

This is a drawing I'm currently working on. It was a productive way to use my summer break. Let me know what you think.